Be fundable
& findable.


Only one in 1,000 nonprofits grow beyond a small business. 260,000 foundations make grants to help them. But it’s not fundraising that attracts the money.

Nonprofits and foundations need bold brands to maximize funding and achieve large-scale social change.

Brand first, funding second.


Too often for both doers and donors, missions and visions are scattered. The landscape crowded. Audiences and uniques unclear. Messaging and comms weak. Internal teams out of sync with the brand.

So $700B in global philanthropy isn’t maximized. Especially for locally-led orgs that go unseen, unheard, and underfunded. Then impact stalls. And 85% of SDGs remain off track.

Mighty Ally builds nonprofit and foundation brands that maximize funding and advance social justice.

Mighty Ally builds nonprofit and foundation brands that maximize funding and advance social justice.

The brand behind the grant.

Mighty Ally is a nonprofit B Corp — fighting poverty and injustice in lockstep with our clients. Our exclusive focus is on the growth and early stage. We’re a catalyst between nonprofits and foundations. And we have unmatched international perspective for a purposefully small team, with Global North and South co-founders. Plus 230 clients in 50 countries so far.

Mighty Ally Co-founder Kathleen Souder standing with a Nyaka Granny inside a hut in Western Uganda.

Our Four A’s framework builds bold brands from the inside out.


Theory of change


Positioning strategy


Marketing communications


Strategic planning

Maximized funding.

We hold ourselves accountable to the results we produce for clients, and the greater social justice they advance. Outcomes are deeper clarity and confidence. A louder, sharper voice. Aligned and amplified brand communications. And for both doers and donors: maximized funding.


Spike in giving for Justice Defenders, plus $5.5M in gifts


Increased revenue for Lwala, with MacKenzie Scott donation


Early-stage nonprofits trained with Dovetail Impact Foundation


Two rounds of impact investment secured with Vega Coffee


Acumen fellows trained for $860,000 in COVID funding


Engagement ROI within six months for Humanity Crew

Maximized funding.

We hold ourselves accountable to the results we produce for clients, and the greater social justice they advance. Outcomes are deeper clarity and confidence. A louder, sharper voice. Aligned and amplified brand communications. And for both doers and donors: maximized funding.


Spike in giving for Justice Defenders, plus $5.5M in gifts


Increased revenue for Lwala, with MacKenzie Scott donation


Early-stage nonprofits trained with Dovetail Impact Foundation


Two rounds of impact investment secured with Vega Coffee


Acumen fellows trained for $860,000 in COVID funding


Engagement ROI within six months for Humanity Crew

Maximized funding.

We hold ourselves accountable to the results we produce for clients, and the greater social justice they advance. Outcomes are deeper clarity and confidence. A louder, sharper voice. Aligned and amplified brand communications. And for both doers and donors: maximized funding.


Spike in giving for Justice Defenders, plus $5.5M in gifts


Increased revenue for Lwala, with MacKenzie Scott donation


Early-stage nonprofits trained with Dovetail Impact Foundation


Two rounds of impact investment secured with Vega Coffee


Acumen fellows trained for $860,000 in COVID funding


Engagement ROI within six months for Humanity Crew

Tenacious clients.

Lwala logo
Mulago Foundation logo
Community Health Impact Coalition logo
Cartier Philanthropy logo
Earth Enable logo
Peery Foundation logo
Roddenberry Foundation logo
Stir Education logo
Dovetail Impact Foundation logo
Peek Vision logo
Imago Dei Fund logo
Sabre Education logo
Justice Defenders logo
Acumen logo
Nyaka logo
Mercy Corps Ventures logo
Producers Direct logo
Pace Able Foundation logo
Schooner Foundation logo
Education Development Trust logo
Building Tomorrow logo
Vega Coffee logo
Yunus Social Business logo
Education Partnerships Group logo
DGMT logo
Peas logo
Congo Initiative logo
Cycle Connect logo
Oxfam Novib logo
Basmeh & Zeitooneh logo
Reach for Change logo
The Student View logo
Ocean Mind logo
Humanity Crew logo
Coalition for Good Schools logo
Blood:Water logo
Flying Kites logo
MUSO logo
The Equality Effect logo
Food for Education logo
Ashesi logo
World Bicycle Relief logo
PSI Europe logo
Micah 6:8 Foundation logo
Lively Minds logo
Livelihood Impact Fund logo

Tenacious clients.

Lwala logo
Mulago Foundation logo
Community Health Impact Coalition logo
Cartier Philanthropy logo
Earth Enable logo
Peery Foundation logo
Stir Education logo
Roddenberry Foundation logo
Peek Vision logo
Dovetail Impact Foundation logo
Sabre Education logo
Impact Hub logo
Justice Defenders logo
Acumen logo
Impact Hub logo
Mercy Corps Ventures logo
Producers Direct logo
Pace Able Foundation logo
Education Development Trust logo
Education Partnerships Group logo
Building Tomorrow logo
Yunus Social Business logo
Vega Coffee logo
DGMT logo
Education Partnerships Group logo
Peas logo
Congo Initiative logo
Cycle Connect logo
Reach for Change logo
Oxfam Novib logo
The Student View logo
Ocean Mind logo
Humanity Crew logo
Coalition for Good Schools logo
Blood:Water logo
Flying Kites logo
MUSO logo
The Equality Effect logo
Food for Education logo
Ashesi logo
World Bicycle Relief logo
PSI Europe logo
Micah 6:8 Foundation logo
Lively Minds logo
Livelihood Impact Fund logo

Tenacious clients.

Lwala logo
Mulago Foundation logo
Community Health Impact Coalition logo
Earth Enable logo
Cartier Philanthropy logo
Dovetail Impact Foundation logo MIGHTY ALLY
Education Development Trust logo
Peek Vision logo
Sabre Education logo
Roddenberry Foundation logo
Stir Education logo
Peery Foundation logo
Justice Defenders logo
Acumen logo
Nyaka logo
Mercy Corps Ventures logo
Producers Direct logo
Pace Able Foundation logo
Vega Coffee logo
Yunus Social Business logo
Education Partnerships Group logo
Vega Coffee logo
Education Development Trust logo
Building Tomorrow logo
Cycle Connect logo
Oxfam Novib logo
Basmeh & Zeitooneh logo
DGMT logo
Peas logo
Congo Initiative logo
Reach for Change logo
The Student View logo
Ocean Mind logo
Humanity Crew logo
Coalition for Good Schools logo
Blood:Water logo
Flying Kites logo
MUSO logo
The Equality Effect logo
Food for Education logo
Ashesi logo
World Bicycle Relief logo
PSI Europe logo
Micah 6:8 Foundation logo
Lively Minds logo
Livelihood Impact Fund logo
“Mighty Ally guided, challenged, and supported us to grow. If they can offer every client just a little of what they’ve given us, it’s going to lead to a lot of transformation in the world.”