The Fundable / Findable Framework.

How to build an inside-out nonprofit brand — to maximize funding

Portrait of Kevin Brown, Co-founder & CEO of Mighty Ally

More fundraising itself can’t fix your fundraising.

You’ve read all the books and blogs. Attended fundraising workshops. Hired fundraising consultants and seen countless fundraising managers come and go. You’ve applied for more awards, sought more funder meetings, and created more donor prospect lists.

Fundraising, fundraising, fundraising.

Yet, fundraising always feels like pitching, constantly guessing at the correct fit. You chase money. Little is known or in your control. Ultimately, your funding chase hasn’t worked — at least not as well as it could.


To get funding, be fundable and findable.

Being fundable means showing donors why you exist, what you do, who will do it, where you’re going, how to get there, and when it will be done. That’s your theory of change and your strategic plan. And that can fix your fundraising. Here’s a summary of how to be fundable:

  • Center on a specific problem.

  • Serve a defined group of people.

  • Focus the mission and intervention.

  • Measure a few outputs and outcomes.

  • Make your vision powerful and tangible.

  • Get the right team members in the right seats.

  • Select a few 3-year, annual, and quarterly priorities.

  • Back your goals with routines and internal communications.

Being findable means occupying a distinct space in the minds of your ideal funders, and routinely communicating your promises to them. That’s your positioning strategy and your marketing communications. And that can also fix your fundraising. Here’s a summary of how to be findable:

  • Analyze other similar organizations.

  • Determine what makes you unique.

  • Decide which audiences to target.

  • Communicate value propositions.

  • Show off a daring brand personality.

  • Develop bold messaging and storytelling.

  • Execute a set marketing communications plan.

  • Ensure your website and funding materials are optimized.

  • Partner with corporate brands that will amplify your story.

Brand first, funding second.

Why brand matters.

Evidence is abundant about the power of brand. Yes, in the social sector too. For example, research in the book Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding found that strong brands:

  • Drive direction and higher performance

  • Change perceptions, preferences, and priorities

  • Strengthen capacity to attract, motivate, and retain staff/volunteers

  • Build deeper relationships with current supporters

  • Foster visionary ideas and innovation

  • Connect with new people and generate new resources

  • Hold the organization steady, even in turbulent times

In fact, the data in Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding reveals that a strong brand can be a nonprofit’s most valuable asset. And in most cases, brand accounts for more than 50 percent of a nonprofit organization’s market value.

Authors Cone and Daw tell us a new breed of supporters is holding nonprofits to higher standards — looking for outcomes commensurate with the time they commit and the dollars they invest. To stand out, nonprofits must continuously illustrate how support is making a difference. And increase their relevance through meaningful engagement between supporter and brand.

The Communications Network discovered in this excellent SSIR series that social ventures excelling at communications are stronger, smarter, and vastly more effective. Sean Gibbons insists comms is no longer an appendage to the work, but an integral part. “Strategic communications can revolutionize your organization and exponentially expand your impact,” he says.

There’s a wealth of insights in the book The Brand IDEA. It’s based on years of research from Nathalie Laidler-Kylander, a former Harvard Public Policy Lecturer and Managing Director at DRK Foundation. She talks about how internally, a strong brand creates cohesion, which results in increased capacity. And how externally, a clear brand image results in trust and impact.

Laidler-Kylander asserts that “when the organization’s values and mission are consistently aligned with its brand identity, and when this identity is consistently aligned with the external image, the nonprofit brand is able to establish a clear, distinct, consistent, and credible position in the minds of both internal and external stakeholders.”

In a sector where restricted funding is still the norm, how powerful is this statement from Peter Walker at Tufts University? “A strong brand allows you to acquire more resources and gives you the authority to have more freedom over how you use them.”

In Good to Great and the Social Sector, Jim Collins argues brand is more critical in the social sector than in the for-profit world. With nonprofits, donors provide financial resources to help achieve important, but often intangible, social goals. So, a nonprofit’s brand becomes a critical differentiator. Since purchasers cannot experience and evaluate the quality and value of a product or service directly, they must rely on trust to make the ‘purchase decision.’ Your brand provides this trust.

In the research paper The Impact of Nonprofit Brand Image and Typicality on Charitable Giving, French professors cite numerous studies drawing a positive correlation between a strong brand personality and fundraising. The comprehensive literature review in Brand Equity for Nonprofit Organizations concludes the social sector “has become very competitive and this has generated in nonprofit organizations the need to differentiate and create a brand as well as manage brand equity.”

The case for brand is clear. Many leaders can understand the concept in theory. But growth-stage social ventures have long lacked the practical framework and tools to build an authentic, bold brand.

Group of young Ugandan primary student girls in their purple Nyaka uniforms.
“As nonprofits have grown in number and importance, the charitable marketplace has become more competitive. Donors are becoming more selective and discriminating. Individuals, corporations, foundations, and government all are basing funding decisions on more complex criteria. Building a breakthrough brand is the new nonprofit imperative.”


The Fundable/Findable Framework.

Our framework is a way to simplify and demystify the concept of brand. A set of interconnected disciplines and actionable tools to build a strong one. And for both sides of the grant: a proven framework to maximize funding.

Remember: brands are built from the inside out. And despite what you’ve done before, you’ve likely never thought about your theory of change or strategic plan like this.

Not to mention, simply getting these assets on paper will fuel your fundraising immediately. It’s not like being fundable is just pre-work — it is the work. Your theory of change and strategic plan are what funders fund.

Here’s the breakdown.

Mighty Ally ambition, theory of change


Theory of change

A theory of change is a social venture’s most important document. Unless you produce a tangible product a customer is buying, your theory of change is what donors are investing in. Either way, what you’re ‘selling’ is impact-first. It’s your core ambition.

This document is critical to creating sustained impact and raising money alike. Because first, it’s a comprehensive description of how and why a desired change is expected to happen. But second, it helps you drive income too. A good reason and vision motivate people. A tight mission keeps you focused and creates efficiencies. And clear pathways influence fundraising targets.

Not to mention, the theory of change is the first step in your marketing communications. In our Fundable/Findable Framework, we directly apply elements of the theory of change in places like messaging, pitch decks, and website strategy. Typically, unclear comms is the result of an unclear theory of change.

We define a theory of change through three sections (the need, the work, the results) and 15 total elements within:

The need: the problem, people served, and reason for being.
The work: inputs, interventions, partners, behaviors, big idea, and mission.
The results: pathways, outputs, short-term outcome, long-term outcomes, 10-year target, and vision.

Even in the social sector — where meaning and motivation abound — it’s important for organizations to rally around a singular greater ambition. If you set a clear vision, you will ultimately find the right strategy. But if you don’t have a clear vision, no strategy will save you.

“If you were a screenwriter, you build a storyboard. If you were a teacher, you draft a curriculum plan for the year. If you were a CFO, you build a financial model that projects how you think money will flow. For impact professionals, building a theory of change can help you map out what you’ll need to achieve over time in order to reach both your short-term and long-term goals.”


Mighty Ally alignment, strategic planning


Strategic plan

A strategic plan is the way to align your brand internally — as you tell your story externally. What is a strat plan for? You can’t clean water with it. It doesn’t cure illness. Nor does it educate a child. It’s words on a page. Otherwise known as communications. A strategic plan is a comms tool, plain and simple. Some even call it internal branding.

Strategic planning aligns your team, priorities, and rhythms around your ambition. That’s it.

Defining the work within your theory of change is only the start. You also have to do said work. Your ambition must become action.

One prominent family foundation told us the most common reason they don’t invest is they don’t believe the organization can pull off its claims. Why cast a grand vision without taking calculated steps to achieve it?

No strat plan standard exists for nonprofits and social enterprises. So we took inspiration from the private sector and contextualized these models for growth-stage social ventures — grouping 10 key elements into three sections (team, priorities, and rhythms):

Team: core values, team analyzer, and accountability chart.

Priorities: winning moves, 3-year picture, annual goals, and quarterly rocks.

Rhythms: proven process, internal comms, and KPIs.

Our strat planning process can be summarized in three quotes. First who, then what … It’s more important to do the right thing than to do things right … Goals without routines are wishes; routines without goals are aimless. In modern, agile planning, you’re mostly focused on two points: where you want to be 10 to 25 years from now and what you have to do in the next 90 days. Everything else is just a bridge in between.

“Covid proved more than ever that the traditional five-year strat plan is futile. Organizations need a 21st century replacement — one that respects uncertainty as the norm and values the ability to change as a competitive advantage.”


Mighty Ally approach, positioning strategy


Positioning strategy

Positioning strategy is the deliberate process by which your organization identifies strengths, assesses gaps in the landscape, and chooses how to present itself to audiences and enter the marketplace.

Think of perfect positioning as the intersection of what you’re good at + what funders will support + what other organizations aren’t doing + what the world needs.

Ultimately, good positioning allows you to maximize your organization’s income and impact. It does this in three key ways. Attracting and increasing funding. ​​Focusing teams. Plus finding collaboration opportunities.

Positioning is an art, not a science. Nailing it requires deciding what makes you unique, knowing your audience, and showing your brand personality.

We determine positioning strategy through three sections (landscape, positioning, personality) and 10 total elements within:

Landscape: SWOT and competitors/collaborators.

Positioning: three uniques, priority audiences, personas, and promises.

Personality: character, traits, style, and tradition.

For your stakeholders, funders, prospects, partners, employees, supporters, and even beneficiaries… you are not the only option. You compete in some way for time, attention, investment, sales, grants, awards, or employees. Positioning strategy is where you pair your promises to an audience’s needs.

“Positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect. That is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect. A product is something made in a factory. A brand is something made in the mind. To be successful today, you have to build brands, not products.”


Mighty Ally amplification, marketing communications


Marketing comms

With the inside of your brand in place, you can confidently begin to amplify your story to the outer world — with marketing communications. And to make smart decisions about how and where to speak while communicating your value.

Your words will resonate, because they are the final extension of your carefully crafted brand. Not a false veneer hiding a distracted, disjointed, or disingenuous organization.

Insufficient or ineffective marcom is usually the primary symptom driving organizations to seek help with brand. The irony is: this is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

At the highest level, marcom is saying the right things to the right people in the right places at the right time to drive the right results. It can encapsulate several different strategies and tactics.

Our marcom work is the meatiest of anything we do. It includes the following five elements: messaging and storytelling, visual identity, website strategy, channels, and corporate partnerships:

Messaging & storytelling: tagline, elevator pitch, message map, public narrative, boilerplate, impact evidence, and word bank.

Visual identity: logo, colors, typography, iconography, photography, brand guidelines, stationery, and templates.

Website strategy: call-to-action, audience goals, homepage wireframe, sitemap pages, and budget.

Fundraising & sales channels: digital, content, ads, PR, physical marketing, grassroots, and events.

Corporate partnerships: people, platform, philanthropy, and product.

This is where many social sector orgs miss the mark. Many have a compelling theory of change. But their exterior is weak — their message is confusing, website and comms materials dated, and there’s no cohesive plan for driving awareness and interest with audiences.

This results in a lack of funding or sales. Sadly, an organization could be driving great impact. But when a tree falls in the woods, the org’s growth stagnates.

“Communications is no longer an appendage to the work, but an integral part. In other words, it is the work. Halting climate change. Eradicating disease. Lifting up the arts. Ending poverty. At their core, foundations and nonprofits are in the business of developing and advancing big, bold ideas. If you want your ideas to take hold and win, you need to communicate and communicate well. It’s not an option anymore — it’s a necessity.”


Imagine your new future.

Let’s say you’ve built your bold brand, and you’re finally fundable and findable. What does your new fundraising future look like?

In the short term, you’ll see outputs like an improved theory of change, strategic plan, positioning strategy, and cohesive marketing communications — all of which will help you with early funding wins.

In the midterm, you’ll feel aligned internally, operating with more clarity and confidence. Plus you’ll feel amplified externally, using a louder, sharper voice to reach your audiences and spread big ideas.

Over the long term, you will maximize your funding. Maximize means to make as large or great as possible and to make the best use of. A bold brand doesn’t just help you raise more money. Brand also helps you become more efficient with the funding you receive.

The time is now.

Corporates live and die by their brands — in a private sector where companies spend $1 trillion on marketing globally. And if you look at the 990s of big NGOs — think Red Cross or Mercy Corps — they invest heavily in salaries for brand leaders and hundreds of thousands on comms firms. But with growth-stage nonprofits and social enterprises, brand takes a back seat.

Research in The Brand IDEA showed most nonprofits “devote little time, energy and care to branding” or they “do not effectively utilize and manage their brands.” It concludes that “brand management is neglected in nonprofit organizations because marketing itself is seen as a limited range of activities, mainly concerned with fundraising.”

Every organization needs some sort of brand during the startup phase. But as they hit $500k or so in annual turnover, they shift almost exclusively to programs, M&E, fundraising, and staffing. That’s when people create theories of change and strategic plans in independent processes. Or they go straight into comms, without a positioning strategy. Leaders think comms can be delegated to an intern or fellow. And it’s not until they get stuck — typically between $1M and $5M in size — that they realize the brand pain.

But this is changing. The Rockefeller Foundation recognized in 2010 that brand management in the nonprofit sector and interest in nonprofit brands were at a tipping point.

Amazon serves more than 80,000 books if you search for “brand — some dating back to the Madmen era of the 1950s. There are less than 20 for “nonprofit brand” or “branding” — but all were published in the last two decades. There’s clearly momentum.

Back to The Brand IDEA — analysts studied 70 successful nonprofits that are managing their brands to further their missions. In the findings, the authors describe an “essential paradigm shift” in the nonprofit sector. A sector characterized by a growing number of players, fewer funding opportunities, and increasing social needs. And a shift where changemakers are now using brand strategy to create cohesion and consistency, transform patrons into brand ambassadors, and increase both reach and impact.

Regardless of the growing awareness, you can’t build a brand overnight. Not by reading any one blog post or book. It requires years of cultivation by your leaders, team, and constituents in different ways.

Remember this tough love from Alan Mitchell: “brands are not built by a separate activity called brand building any more than races are won by a separate activity called winning.” In other words, it’s a journey — not a destination. A process, not an event.

So the time to begin is now.

Two female Nicaraguan coffee farmers smiling at work while roasting a batch of coffee beans.
“Rather than focusing on fundraising as the objective of the brand, the new paradigm places brand in service of the mission and social impact. Instead of having responsibility for the brand reside within the communications department, responsibility for the brand as a key strategic asset resides with the entire executive team and the board. Brand management is everyone’s job.”


Evidence of income and impact.

Clients who follow our Fundable/Findable Framework typically grow by 100–300%. Check out case studies on our impact page. Or visit our blog for insights and resources.

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