Perspectives from a doer & donor catalyst.
Dig into our blog for free, practical advice to build your nonprofit brand — from the inside out.
We glean these insights through real-world engagements. Write our content with first-time CEOs and communications leaders in mind. And as a field builder, share our expertise widely to guide organizations on both sides of the grant.

Speaking of fundable & findable.
More and more people are talking about our Fundable/Findable Framework. And we’re talking about it more too. As demand for our expertise increases, public speaking has become part of our own theory of change — to scale this brand discipline in the social sector.

Diversified funding is a nonprofit nemesis.
Diversified fundraising helps you survive early on. But it’s not how you get big. If you want to grow significantly, you have to muster the courage to put all your eggs in one basket. Then engage all those eggs in that one basket. And meet the requirements of that primary funding source.

The one-sentence theory of change.
A confused mind never funds. And the most common donor grievance we hear (by far) is that they can’t understand what you actually do. So here’s a formula to help. A simple, six-piece format to clarify and summarize your theory of change in a single sentence.

Speaking of fundable & findable.
More and more people are talking about our Fundable/Findable Framework. And we’re talking about it more too. As demand for our expertise increases, public speaking has become part of our own theory of change — to scale this brand discipline in the social sector.

Diversified funding is a nonprofit nemesis.
Diversified fundraising helps you survive early on. But it’s not how you get big. If you want to grow significantly, you have to muster the courage to put all your eggs in one basket. Then engage all those eggs in that one basket. And meet the requirements of that primary funding source.

The one-sentence theory of change.
A confused mind never funds. And the most common donor grievance we hear (by far) is that they can’t understand what you actually do. So here’s a formula to help. A simple, six-piece format to clarify and summarize your theory of change in a single sentence.
“The Mighty Ally team are such a great blessing and I hope more founders on the continent have the golden opportunity to get your insights on their building journey. It’s always such a great masterclass learning from you.”