by Sarah Brown | Apr 26, 2023 | General
Nonprofit leaders have countless necessary priorities. But funding isn’t #1. Because brand is strategy; fundraising is execution. And a foundation’s most valuable asset is not its money. Instead, brand is the best investment. A contrarian point of view. So let us try to convince you.
by Russ Smith | Dec 10, 2021 | General
The Fundable / Findable Framework. How to build an inside-out nonprofit brand — to maximize funding KEVIN L. BROWN More fundraising itself can’t fix your fundraising. You’ve read all the books and blogs. Attended fundraising workshops. Hired fundraising consultants...
by Sarah Brown | Oct 10, 2021 | General
Theory of change: be fundable. The need, the work, and the results of your model — to maximize funding KEVIN L. BROWN A theory of change is any nonprofit’s most important document. It’s critical to creating sustained impact and raising money alike. But developing one...
by Sarah Brown | May 30, 2022 | General
Strategic plan: be fundable. Team, priorities, and rhythms — to maximize funding KEVIN L. BROWN Strategic planning shouldn’t be so complicated. The discipline is a straightforward concept dating back to the ancient Greeks. The term strategy comes from the word...
by Sarah Brown | May 17, 2022 | General
Positioning strategy: be findable. Landscape, uniques, audiences, promises, and personality — to maximize funding KATHLEEN SOUDER All too often, nonprofits fail to clearly determine their positioning strategy. A process that, when nailed, can sharpen everything you do...
by Sarah Brown | May 28, 2022 | General
Marketing communications: be findable. Messaging and storytelling, visual identity, website strategy, channels, corporate partnerships and CSR — to maximize funding KATHLEEN SOUDER Hard work, intelligent products and programs, and extraordinary impact happen daily in...